Elite Alloy Concepts has almost 10 years of fabricating experience, working on a variety of welding projects throughout this time.
EAC owner Sasha Skwarcha started his welding career taking on large projects such as oil pipes. This is where he learned the skills of quality and durability. Both of these traits live within the current projects you see today.
The tasks that Sasha has taken on throughout the history of this business have prepared him for any project. Transitioning from working on Backyard Fences to A Family Fire Pit has become a regular part of his workflow. The Versatility and Consistent Quality that Sasha holds is what allows Elite Alloy Concepts to be able to bring your wildest dreams to life.
I got started working with metal when I was 20 years old. My grandfather was always welding and tinkering in his workshop behind his house. Growing Up I was always watching him and slowly learning from him. At the time I never thought much of it and had different plans for my future.
As we all know life happens and opportunity strikes when we least expect it. At the end of 2014, I had an opportunity to be a welder on a pipeline, and all I had to do was go to school and get certified and the job was mine. Once I obtained all my certificates, I met with the employer to find out that they were doing layoff.
With my hopes crushed, I swallowed my pride and found other work in the oilfield as a welder, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do.
I then told myself right then and there, that if there ever came an opportunity to open my own shop and create what I wanted, then that would be my life’s calling. The rest is history.
It was ironic when I realized life went full circle and I would be doing exactly what my pap did. I had to struggle and take the hits, to fail and see that it was not what I was destined to do.
I know now what I want to do and that’s to create metal pieces for people, from wall art to fire pits to anything you can think of. Elite Alloy Concepts came from the idea that if people had an idea or concept of something, but didn’t know how to do it, I would step up and create it to the best of their knowledge. No matter what. I set such high standards for myself because I’m helping someone else’s dreams come true, and to see their smile and pure disbelief in making their idea a reality is certainly something to strive for. I have too much pride and heart for my work to settle for anything less. That is the standard for Elite Alloy Concepts and that’s the standard on how I have lived my whole life and will continue to do so. It’s a concept that has been there since the beginning and I promise, it will still be there once I’m long gone.
- Sasha John Francis Skwarcha